I've just bought the latest issue of Studios - a special supplement of one of fave mags "Cloth, Paper, Scissors - and thought I should show off the space I use to create and store my stuff.
Firstly, I like a chaotic element when it comes to studios. The smell of turpentine and brushes littered with colourful remnants of paint are a delight to my senses. I love sunlight illuminating the space and Vivaldi or The Cure (ya, weird combo) blaring from a high tech. sound system. Dreams to be sure. I love supplies from paint, wool, fabric and sewing supplies, paper, rubber stamps, flowers (silk and paper), brads, beads, inks, charms and other random bits of ephemera.
I love having a stash of supplies at hand for whatever project takes my fancy. Over the years I've collected and amassed a variety of things that have formed a collective in a room in our house. While it is not my ideal space, it suffices for now (until I can convert my large solid garden shed - an ongoing dream of mine). I seem to, however, do most of my crafting at the kitchen counter and ferry things up and down stairs on an as needed basis. This facilitates my need to create and watch the kids simultaneously.