Sunday, September 2, 2007


Can you believe September is already upon us!!! The newsmakers coined this summer "The summer that never was". Somewhat appropriate, however, even through the rain and clouds we had a speckling of the most beautiful, pristine sunshine coupled with light windy days which made outdoor activities all the more enjoyable.

Many thanks to our loyal customers at both the Nanaimo Farmer's and Craig Street Markets. It was a real pleasure meeting you all and I look forward to recontecting later this fall.

It's funny how inspiration strikes - a chance overheard conversation, a glance at a bookcover in the library, a beautiful piece of fabric, the pattern on the skin of a canteloupe (yes, I even tried inking it to make a print!!). It is these wonderful times that fuel the brain and creations spurn forth.

Currently I am torn with creating beautiful pieces for the baby nursery and children's rooms keeping in mind the changing seasons and upcoming holidays. Sometimes everything is dropped to go on a photo shoot for upcoming projects. Alas the beauty of art...

Look for the above sweet image in future mixed media canvases for rooms with small children. They remind me of old fashioned stories, Beatrix Potter style. They were fun to create and they will be fun to view.

Stay tuned and happy long weekend :D

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