Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So today we made our first family gingerbread house. My husband assembled it and then the kids had free range to decorate. Well. It's a Picasso for sure. The fun they had sticking all of the little candy bits onto the gooey icing was priceless. I love how it turned out in all of its beautiful imperfection. Now we get to pick away at it and enjoy.

I did get the Sushi today and it was nummy! We had a feast of Pad Thai, tempura, Happy Tuna rolls and Spicy Saigon roll along with a steaming pot of Chai tea. We nearly forfeited our outing since there was a blizzard taking place all day. Being an Eastern girl for my formative years, I still find it amusing that snow brings life to a halt on the West Coast. People get out their wellies and brollies and clod hop through snow. Driving is a not at all desirable - it's hilly and the snow removal budget is bleak. Anyhow, we ventured out and enjoyed every minute of it.

I had lots of nice phone calls from friends with well wishes. During dinner we noticed a car pulled over in front of our house. We thought it was someone stuck in the snow, however, it was a dedicated florist delivering the most beautiful and humongous flower bouquet I have ever received - stunningly perfect winter red gerberas and liatris and alstrolomeria and 'mums and coniferous foliage. Thank you BB. A huge surprise, so thoughtful and kind. I love them.

The Day was good and to quote my Mum as she left our house today..."Life Begins".


Ann @ The Scrapbooking Housewife said...

Sounds like a fantastic day, Karen!! Glad you enjoyed yourself and love those flowers (and the Gingerbread House!)!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great day. You guys are braver than me! I didn't venture beyond the end of the driveway! Same goes for today, methinks.