Monday, March 23, 2009


I've neglected my poor blog of late, however, better than not paying attention to my family. Thought it needed some colourful photos of things that have been done around the house, so...

The dinosaur is in Quinn's room. It was a cut out wooden piece I found at Michael's and covered in Basic Grey's Archaic papers. It sits on a shelf of Love letters that my husband cut out before alpha's became popular and readily available (on that note, check out that custom cuts beautiful quotes in any font imaginable to simply adhere to your wall - we'll have a sample of her work at our EllaBella Studio). Just have to find the perfect photo of Quinny to put on my dinosaur.

Have also been making more fabric toy bags that the kids love. It makes clean up time easy (when energy and desire permits, of course!) and we have a hers and his section of the cupboard to house them in. Again, fabric scraps are used and I can whip one up in 10minutes (short enough time that the children don't get into too much trouble in my craft room).


dancing dragonfly said...

Oh I just love the beautiful fabric bags. They are so visually pleasing. The dinosaur is also great. I too have a boy and often find I don't like what is out there for boys. This is great.

Anonymous said...

Love the dinosaur - and, of course, the bags!

lonely daisy said...

Thank you so much for including me in your blog. I love painting but not letters (freehand)!!!! So when I found I loved their product right away and became a consultant. I am finding it a wonderful creative outlet.