Thursday, May 7, 2009


I love this time of year when all of the garden is a promise of green mounds. The colours are so natural and invigorating especially after a spring rain. I enjoy walking around the garden taking stock of what is poking through the earth and have been pleasantly surprised that some perennials survived last years construction zone. Plants like Astilbes and Epimediums prosper and I had quite forgotten exactly how many hostas were speckled around the garden. Although I don't have much in the way of spring bulbs, the shades of green are varied and plentiful. My favourite Forget-Me-Not's petite flowers shine electric blue in the twilight. We watch daily as the ferns unfurl. The Soloman's Seal is standing tall like silent soldiers gently getting ready to show off their little hanging blossoms.

We have many treasures speckled about the garden. I so enjoy chancing upon a little garden creature or ornament and my collection is subtly growing. My pond has been removed (not conducive to toddlers in the household) and has been replaced with loose gravel in an attempt to create a serene Zen-like garden, albeit a mixed one, due to the abundance of cottage favourites - Alchemilla Mollis, Coreopsis, Brunnera, Aqueligias, House Leeks and more. Buddha quietly sits in this garden alongside a small pagoda and bamboo water spout (from the pond's days). It remains tranquil and can also be viewed from my daughter's bedroom window.

1 comment:

Ann @ The Scrapbooking Housewife said...

Looks lovely!! Quinn is adorable in his little hard-hat & Elizabeth in her garden hat! :o)