Today was good. September has always been a favourite month. A month of beginnings - those school years now being experienced for the first time by my own two children. Every sunny day is a bonus - the lighting a little bit more gentle than the harsh summer sun. The garden is fully grown and herbs and vegetables in abundance (we've been having some very tasty meals of late).
We went to the beach today with family and friends (we are SO lucky to live a 90 second drive to Departure Bay beach). The tide was meandering in slowly as we explored the shoreline, avoiding the lingering jellyfish, and finding treasure along the way - seaweed, shells, driftwood and special stones. The children played on their "island". We witnessed a lone pink salmon jumping playfully out of the water. It eventually invited a friend in its play and evaded the fly fishermen along the beach. We watched the ferries depart and arrive bringing tourists to the wonderful place we call home.
After hours of fresh sea air, Quinn napped peacefully while Elizabeth set up a fort in the garden for her latest special friend (before finding a pot of water which, as custom, was made into mud soup). I had a most enjoyable, indulgent few moments with a coffee, chocolate and a beautifully inspiring magazine "Artful Blogging". Lovely, lovely, lovely.
After a little read about those visually inspiring blogs I took the camera for a walk around the garden. The sunflower (that was a tiny sprout in June) now towers well above 8 feet. Lush David Austin roses bloom and are as fragrant as ever (one sadly made it into the mud soup when I wasn't looking!), lavetara grows from every nook and cranny in the secret garden. Meanwhile, Buddha sits quietly evoking a feeling of peace. Even the birds were chirping exuberantly, obviously also finding joy in this sunny pre-autumn day.
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