So we went to get our Christmas tree the other day. We usually cut our own at the House of Breads little tree farm, however, this year we stopped at a locally owned garden centre boasting Vancouver Island cultivated trees. We found the perfect, bushy, soft needled tree with the most delicious woodsy, piney scent.
Now, decorating with a two and four year old does present somewhat of a challenge. While I had ideals of listening to my new Loreena McKinnett Christmas cd and decorating the tree in perfect harmony, that simply did not happen. To abridge our decorating story, we had screaming for Bob the Builder and running off with the decorations from the two year old. Elizabeth loved sorting through the throngs of mix matched ornaments that have more sentimental value than beauty. She was happily existing in her own world and did a fine job of putting them on a concentrated area of the tree - front and centre and approximately three feet high.
We had to sneak water into the trees base since any open water equals free range for fishing and experimenting with swimming toys. The overall effect of the tree is.... good. It is ours with white twinkly lights and golden beads of garland (no tinsel in this house thanks), a hand crafted tree skirt from Grandma and now its stands ready for Santa.
I used to always decorate the tree when I was a teenager at home in Oakville just around my birthday. Yes, that is soon approaching and it is THAT birthday, the one I've been silently dreading for the last six months. Well, it is finally near and it's okay. I take solice that Monika and Rachael are That age. As are Julia, Halley and Celine. That age is the new 30 after all!! For months too I have been dreaming about how to celebrate. I've toyed with the idea of Vegas with all of my highschool friends and copious amounts of cocktails. Also fancied the idea of being in my Happy Place in Mexico. I am, most likely, going for a sushi feast and matinee with my husband and delicious meal of my choice at home with my fave Black Forest gateau. It will be perfect, of course.